Damian Muñoz was born with a disability called caudal regression syndrom. He doesn't have full function of his legs and wears AFOs for support.
Damian was first exposed to adaptive sports in 2016 when he watched the Paralympics and said "they're just like me. I want to do that too!" There was a spark in his eye, and I knew there no stopping him.
At about 7 years old he discovered WCMX. He went to his first WCMX/ Adaptive skateboarding event and fell in love with the sport. He has competed, as the youngest rider, in the WCMX World Championships multiple times, he ranked 5th in the world in 2025 and loves every aspect of the competition. He hopes that one day WCMX will be added to the Paralympics so he can win gold for Team USA.
Damian wants to inspire other people like him and show them that no matter what you have you can still do anything your heart desires. He wants to help and show younger kids and people that wheelchairs aren't what they seem to be. You can have fun and play sports just like everyone else.
Damian loves WCMX because "it's fun and it gives me the opportunity to connect with people like me. It makes me feel free and like there are no problems in life."